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Saturday, February 21, 2009

This week, a lot of things happen. by now, i shld be studying for my exams 2 days lata. But somehow, i just can't absorb anything. so i decided to blog before i continue studying. there's so much i wanna say yet i can't find any words to describe them.

Ever since me and bao got together, I really wish i've already graduated from school. I realise thats becoz sch keeps me away from him, making us quite far apart. therefore, i always wish for holidays to be longer and will look forward to the next holiday anxiously. Yesterday, we talked on the phone, nearly quarrelled again. i dunno why i lost control of my life ever since i met him. sometimes, to the extend where i will go nuts. haha..

Still, exams are round the corner. shall control myself for 1 more week b4 i really go nuts with my holidays. I really wish our distance will not be so far apart. And yesterday on phone, he said a lot of things to me. Maybe is coz he drank a lot of beer so he started to talk a lot, and he kept repeating the same things over and over again. I dunno if he realise it. But this is the first time i hear wad his heart says. Such miserable and lonely. That's 2 words i can describe. While hearing, my heart talks too. Just that he can't hear, coz i din say out. All the while, to him, I'm keeping quiet by just replying "oh". But i nv once kept quiet in my heart. This is what my heart has to say:







There's more to what i've got to say. Just that I dunno how to express that very deep feeling inside me. That agony, that pain..it's undescribable de la..=)
Monday, February 9, 2009

When I'm down, I thought you will be there for me. But i made a mistake. You were not..

When I'm afraid, I thought you will protect me. But still, you made me more afraid..

When I feel cold, I knew you would hug me. Yes, indeed at times.

When I'm in pain, I thought you will care for me. I was wrong. Maybe you did?or is it just me that don't feel it?

You said your logics. I said mine. Both were wrong. Couples should share and take care of each other. That's what my dad says. Even when we grow old to be old man and old lady, we still have each other.

You said we both live in different world. But no, we live on the same world called EARTH. You said we were on different channels and could not communicate well. But how many channels are there? I just wanna try to switch every channel and see which best suits you and me. I just wanna communicate well with someone important to me.

Health, be it healthy or unhealthy. Emotions, be it sad,angry or happy. Love, be it sweet,sour or bitter. These are just a part of human life. I love the way you call me, the way you talk to me. I hate the way you scold me, the way you sometimes blamed me. For you are important, the way you express yourself affects me.

You showed me what LOVE is
Yet how scary HATRED can be
For LOVE and HATRED, draws a line in between

We can be romantic. Maybe at times we are. I learn to change for you. You changed for me too. But did you ever realise how much i cared for you? sometimes, maybe most of the time, deep in my heart, I know where i went wrong. But many times, i dare not admit, yet i choose to run away from it. If 1 day, miracles would appear, that will be the day when we need not argue anymore.
Saturday, February 7, 2009

This week, I'll post up a chinese post. It might be REALLY LONG, so it's ok for those who are lazy to read..=) it's just a journal.











that's the end of my story..=)
Thursday, January 22, 2009



4th month and valentines is coming..

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've discussed with my parents about my Japan study trip already. They kind of accepted the idea of mine. But i've got to start to learn how to take care of myself from now onwards till the day i leave for Japan. 2 years from now, i shall start my new life..but there's something there pushing me back from pursuing this goal of mine..and i guess you guys know it well..

*-My LOVE or My DREAMS?-*

well, today Yansheng said something which i think a lot.."what about ah bao?" hmms..tough question u know..actually, though i say i do not wish to let him wait,ask him carry on stay in singapore find a good gal and just marry, but my heart aches..i seriously feel like asking him to go with me..but how can i be so selfish? den yansheng said, "If i were you, i wouldn't give up my love for my dream."

Why??Just because i am a gal?I shouldn't let my future husband carry that burden to support me my whole life. I wan to plan for my future. Therefore dreams are important to me also. Not everyone will be interested in the stuffs I'm interested in. Since I'm interested in something that may lead to my bright future, why not? But still, both love and dreams are really important to me. it's like asking you a question, "if ur dad and mum fall into the sea, which would you save?"

what should i do now? =(

will he wait?i doubt so..It's 6 years..not 6 days nor 6 months.

will he come with me?i doubt so too.
who will be such a stupid fool to start their life anew in a country that they have no clue of?(exclud. me)

who will be willing to sacrifies for some1 they love?It's tough.

6 years is long. but these 6 years, i will become strong. i will have much more knowledge that surpass most people. so..what should i do?
